The Certified Lodging Security Officer (CLSO®) Learning Suite details general and hospitality-specific safety and security techniques that employees need to know to ensure effective security at lodging properties.

The CLSO® learning suite includes five hours of content through three interactive simulations. These role-playing exercises use real-world scenarios that enable learners to assess their decision-making skills during incidents they may face on the job.

Content includes:

  • Overview of the hospitality industry along with types and organization of properties

  • Rights and duties

  • Code compliance

  • Patrolling

  • Documentation and other duties

  • Legal powers and limitations

  • Misdemeanors and felonies

  • Investigations

  • The legal system

  • Responding to emergencies such as fire, power failures, weather emergencies, and medical emergencies

  • Terrorism, civil unrest, active shooter, unexpected rioting, weapons and shelter-in-place

The online course helps prepare you for the CLSO® certification exam.